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Visual Literacy 2.0
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Fellow AEL
Kathy Schrock's
Technology Guide
Ms. Macziewski
4th Grade Visual Encyclopedia of Vertebrates
Poetry & Picture Book Fling the Teacher Quiz
Ms. DeCurtins
St. Thomas 5th Grade Native American Video Map project
Fujitsu Photostory

Refereed Publications

Not the Usual Suspects: Poetry and Graphic Novels as 21st Century Tools

Teaching Inclusively in Higher Education
Chp 7. Technology Connecting Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

The Cellphone Inservice

Reflections on Technology Integration

The Complexity of Teaching in the Information Age

Literacy and Learning in the Web Based Environment

Phun with Photostory 3

Supporting Cell Phones in Schools

Creating a Movie in WebKinz Studio


 Dr. Geary's Homepage       
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Leading Technology Exploration

  1. Pokemon Go game, as reported by THE Journal
  2. Pokemon Go - STEM game as reported by Madison Daily Leader
    Pokemon Go STEM game as reported by CampusTechnology
  3. Pokemon Go STEM  game discussed with other k12 collaborations from Stanford and U of Michigan in the School Library Journal.

  4. Death 2 Textbooks

  5. DSU Alumni Michael Anderson and EDFN365 Narrative Textbook project
  6. Writing Comics - Cris Tovani's Rocky Mountain Reading Conference
  7. Bullying WebQuest for EPSY330
  8. Heroes, Helpers & Entrepreneurs - TIE08 Presentation/Workshop
  9. No Strings Attached - Wireless Laptop uses by grade level
  10. Tech-Ease - Everything you wanted to know about technology
  11. DSU_COE Del.icio.us Weblinks - Pick your keyword and learn!
  12. Daishaw's Photostory An Inner City Story
  13. Making Booktrailers with Photostory 3 - Good Photostory 3 tutorial here!
  14. Jacob's Kindergarten Literacy Portfolio
  15. Teaching in the Nexus: Rethinking Education in the Digital World
     by Johanna Riddle

  16. Excel Spelling Game Tutorial
  17. TIE09 Conference Presentations
    Your Content, This Game
    Digital Writing and Video with Webkinz Studio
    Booktrailers for Children
    Force More Powerful: Blended Learning for the Digital Age
    4hr InDepth Session:
    Digital Video with your Content
  18. TIE2010 Conference Presentations
    Comics, Graphic Novels and Online Comic Creation Sites
    I Got Game – Content Neutral Games for Teachers
    Recycle Your Computers And Reinvigorate Your Science With The Sugar OS
    Student Created BookTrailers and Reviews Online

  19. Systems Change 2010
    Motivating Reluctant Readers with Visual Strategies

  20. TIE2011 Conference Presentations
    21 Digital Assessments for the 21st Century
    Flying High with Google Earth's Flight Simulator - See Jack's Tutorial Video
    Simple Cellphones for the Classroom
  21. TIE 2012 - Death to the Textbook
  22. TIE 2013 - Scaffolding Essential Skills with Comics, and Video
  23. Increasing Student Creativity
  24. Joy of Children's Literature
    Children's Literature Resources
  25. Jacob's Animated Gifs 1/10 - 1/4 - 1/2 - 1sec
  26. Beginning of a iPad apps page


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Update Time: 09 February, 2018