class learns to incorporate advanced research and writing techniques by working
in teams to create a major project, and working individually to create a minor
project. A section on advanced grammar and mechanics is also incorporated.
The course
presses students to become capable writers, researchers, editors, and designers
of research-intensive projects.

The Spring '05 class rebuilt and significantly expanded the
DSU Online Writing Lab.

The Fall, 2004, class constructed a website for the
Karl E. Mundt Archives, located in the Mundt Library here on the campus of Dakota State

The Spring, 2004, semester's class rebuilt the
website for the Dakota State University Historical Archives. To visit the
new site,
click the icon.
The Fall, 2003, class created an online tour for
Smith-Zimmermann Museum. The tour is best viewed in 1024 x 768
resolution. To view the online tour, click the icon.