What is the Essential Content for each of the three sections, Minerals, Rocks & the Rock Cycle?
Why does a 6th grade student care about rocks and minerals?
How can we develop a narrative around the content?
SeeIERG Planning Frameworks
Binary Opposites-Storyform
Mythic Framework
Romantic Framework
Philosophic Framework
What sequential images can help clarify content?
Can Back of the Napkin techniques help?
What Children's Lit materials related to Rocks and Minerals will help? (search wilsonweb with minerals term) (Trappedmay be one possibility)
Romantic Framework deals with Heroism. Our group thought that we should put the material into something more interesting then a text book. We were thinking a Comic Book. The Thing from the Fantastic is a superhero made of rock. We are going to pin him against an enemy who forces him through the rock cycle making him weaker with a twist. This will want the students to read, keep them interested and will also teach them significant aspects of the rock cycle.
Melissa Walther
We are leaning towards philosophical with use of google map, photostories, videos, etc... to engage the 6th graders.
Philosophical Framework -
Before one picture of a mineral/object (salt/turtle shell) ZOOMED in and one zoomed out. As a class attempt to distinguish between the objects being a mineral or not.
Go over what actual makes a mineral a mineral as well as the characteristics/ways of identifying a mineral. Teacher will guide discussion and go through all the steps and the process of identifying a mineral.
Perform beginning activity again to reinforce learning and understanding.
URL is a great online interactive tool that visually shows the individual steps of the rock cycle with different animations of (melting, cooling, etc) as well as shows real pictures of metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks.
Romantic -mixing in Guiness Book of World Records, as well as other "interesting" pictures, stories, etc.
Mythic -shooting at emotion we would relate each definition, characteristics at more funny/unbelievable/interesting/thought provoking facts - students will remember these more.
volcanic eruptions, and mountain associated with plate boundaries and attributed to
plate motions
We are in the beginning stages of development, becoming more familiar with the projects, frame-works, and content. We must still brainstorm 20+ ideas. We are on the right track.
**Naturally Occuring (not man made)
**Inorganic (non-living)
**Crystal Structure (insert pictures)
**Chemical Composition (not sure at this point - may omit)
Melissa Walther
Moving toward mythic/binary opposite framework. Thinking of using humor, mysteries (Scooby Doo), in class active games, songs, poems, rhymes to engage students. Still researching classnettools and other sites. Possible vortex sort.
Mark Geary
Hi Class,
Here are some sites we may wish to look at for the rocks and minerals topic.
Comic book- the thing- as stated in earlier post by Stephanie
Kids comic book what if we didn’t have the rock cycle- have students make there own comic book after they see our thing one, on what the world would be like without a rock cycle.
Role play act out the rock cycle-any ideas?
Debate- each group gets a type of rock. They then do a research study and team study on each thing. They also vote in there groups the roles each person plays. Two people are debaters, two people are presentation specialists, two are research team etc. Then during a class period the teacher can have debate questions for each team and they answer it like a presidential debate.