Discussions of "Gender Roles"
On Thursday and Friday we will have a discussion using the computer to express our ideas, ask questions, and respond to each other about the issue of gender roles. Once finished, you will read a story related to this topic. A key in the discussion: seek first to understand. In your discussion, I encourage you to move toward an understanding of the various viewpoints, not to try to accentuate the differences between them.
You will join a "discussion" on Gender Roles. Others will be there as well. Click on my comments and questions there to get started. We will begin by telling about some of our experiences, and then we'll move to discussing some of our views on the issue.
Dont seek to "argue" so much as to try to discuss what it is that divides people on this issue. Why do people care about this? What do people on one side seem to care about? What do people on the other side? Try to make those things clear. Remember that one side isnt right and the other side wrong. They have different viewpoints.
Pay attention to what people say and how they say it. Try to identify how you feel and why you feel that way. When you respond to something a particular person says, identify that person in your response: "Bill, I agree that . . . , though I wonder if . . ." Read more than you say, and say only what will add to the discussion.
Remember that this discussion creates a permanent record that will remain on the computer after youre finished. This is a class discussion and should look like one, not a shouting match. (Sometimes the discussions get a little heated, since we do this during a class session in real time on campus, but it may here, too.) I look forward to seeing what you have to say.
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