Analysis Paper
Procedure: Part One
This paper will require several stages. The general topic is gender roles. You will be writing two papers on this topic. The first will require you to take a stand on some aspect of the story, and the second will be an analysis of those opinions. Please do them IN ORDER. What we produce here will be the raw material for the paper we will write. There aren't any "right" answers or wrong ones. To get full credit, just make sure you contribute as noted on the dates assigned.
1. For Wednesday: Read about discussion. Go to the NEW discussion board for this exercise and respond to the questions and postings there. You will be asked for views and experiences on gender roles--how men and women divide duties and why. Enter at least one comment (over 100 words) and one reply.
2. Read the short story "The Revolt of Mother." Take notes as you read, and make note of how the characters change in the story. Think about what causes them to change, and make some notes to yourself.
3. Go back to the discussion board and comment on the story (at least 50 words).
4. For Thursday: Write the Opinion Essay.
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