Short Bio

Dr. Wang is a professor in the Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences at Dakota State University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2007. Before joining DSU in 2012, he spent 10 years in the telecommunications industry as a senior software engineer and team leader. His research focuses on security and privacy issues in the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, cyberinfrastructure, and machine learning and artificial intelligence. Over the past 13 years, Dr. Wang has been involved in 12 successful proposals (11 as PI and 1 as Co-PI), securing over $2.5 million in research funding. He has published peer-reviewed papers in prestigious journals and conferences, including IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICC, IEEE Cloud, and the Journal of Security and Communication Networks. In 2015, he received the Merrill Hunter Award for Excellence in Research from Dakota State University. Dr. Wang also serves as a Commissioner for the ABET Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC).

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